January Organization!

Since everyone and their mother is trying to get organized in the new year I thought I’d do a simple post about the things I do to stay organized (and semi-sane).


Monthly Calendars! We have a calendar in our kitchen where everyone can see it with all our obligations for the month. I put every single thing on it, kids dr’s appts, night out with friends, themed days at school etc. They are all also in my phone calendar but keeping them on the hard copy calendar where everyone in the family can see whats going on, helps keep me and my husband on the same page.

Oak and Harbor family organizing

Here’s what it looked like at the beginning of March 2020


anddddd, here is what it looked like 3 weeks into March 2020 when we didn’t even know what day it was

Weekly schedule! I keep a weekly schedule of to do’s around the house and with the kiddos so I don’t run around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Weekly House schedule:

  • Sunday: Laundry, I get all the laundry done (besides bedding) and put away for the week

  • Monday: change all sheets and wash them

  • Tuesday: deep clean all bathrooms (my least favorite)

  • Wednesday: errand day

  • Thursday: Mopping/Mirrors

  • Friday: kitchen cleaning, touch up bathroom cleaning

  • Saturday: stock up day (check pantry, fridge, etc for items we need for the week)

Weekly Kids Schedule: These are the activities I like them to have some supervision with either for safety reasons (cutting) or so they don’t destroy the house (painting- looking at you). These activities are in a labeled box for each day. I pull them out every night while I make dinner so they have something productive to do while I cook besides watch TV. They haven’t gotten bored with them yet.

  • Monday: magna tiles

  • Tuesday: play doh

  • Wednesday: baking

  • Thursday: cutting activities

  • Friday: puzzles

  • Saturday: painting


How I only go to the Grocery Store once a MONTH!


Big Girl Room Makeover for Quinn and Avery!